
The coaching has helped both in achieving the goals I set out at the start of the sessions, but also a broader impact on my approach to work in general. It is these latter insights which I think have been the most valuable, as I can see taking them forwards for years to come.

Michael West, Deputy Chief Economist

UK Health Security Agency

Simon works with organisational clients and private individuals. He offers coaching sessions suitable for team managers, senior executives and emerging new leaders. Expand the sections below to read more about what kind of coaching could suit you.

The next step is a conversation. Simon will arrange time to talk through your requirements and questions on a free, no-obligation basis. A coaching package can be designed based on your particular situation and needs. Options range from a few sessions of self-funded career coaching to designing a large-scale scheme as part of a corporate leadership development programme.

Coaching to Suit You

Simon takes an approach to coaching that works with each client’s whole person in relation to the dynamics of their role, team, and organisation. As a prospective client, you or the person you wish to refer for coaching may bring a range of workplace issues, such as:

  • challenges with getting or taking up a new role

  • understanding and addressing issues with team dynamics and performance

  • conflict avoidance, unnecessary conflict, or bullying

  • feelings of ineffectiveness, anxiety or ‘imposter syndrome’

  • working though a specific business project or event

  • maintaining wellbeing and balance

  • returning to work following parental leave or a career break

  • career coaching and interview preparation

  • Whether you head up a team, are a subject matter leader, or hold a senior executive position, work can feel like a challenging place to be. You may be comfortable and confident while sensing that your practice and your results could leap forwards with coaching support. Or you may find yourself overwhelmed by your role’s demands, relationships and the lack of a space to discuss how you really feel. Simon’s coaching work with new and established leaders builds on his own leadership experience. Simon’s clients have found working together to be liberating and transformative. Many clients find a way to move forwards with both performance and wellbeing simultaneously, moving past trading one off against the other. Visit the contact page to arrange an exploratory conversation.

  • Simon works with corporate clients including start-ups, multi-national firms and large public and third sector organisations. Depending on your organisational setup, you may be looking to commission a programme of coaching as an HR or Learning and Development professional, as someone who leads teams of managers, or as someone needing an emerging leader to become fully ready to move upwards. Corporate coaching packages range from short interventions with one or two individuals to centrally coordinated programmes covering whole departments or organisations. Visit the contact page to arrange an exploratory conversation.

  • Your work can bring stimulation and joy, or be the source of unmanageable stress and worry. Your job can be well-aligned with the other things that matter the most to you, or be an intrusion on your hopes and plans that can feel impossible to change your relationship with. Are you considering, or returning from, a career break or parental leave? Are you looking for a confidential, judgement-free place to explore what you really want and need from the next stages of your working life? Do you feel like a career change could be invigorating and fulfilling, but find that seriously considering options and next steps keeps being put off? Career coaching can make the uncertain seem more clear, or be a place to deeply examine tough choices with the help of a trusted ally. Visit the contact page to arrange an exploratory conversation.